Demyan Prokopchuk was born in Saskatoon, Canada. In 2009, he received his Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry (High Honors) and Computer Science (Minor) from the University of Saskatchewan. In 2015, he completed his PhD at the University of Toronto under the supervision of Prof. Robert Morris, funded by provincial (OGS) and federal (NSERC) scholarships. During this time, he also spent 5 months at ETH Zürich in the laboratory of Prof. Hansjörg Grützmacher. From 2015-2017, Demyan was a postdoctoral fellow at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in the Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis, co-supervised by Dr. Morris Bullock and Dr. Michael Mock. After a postdoctoral fellowship (2017-2018) at the University of Calgary with Prof. Warren Piers, Demyan began his independent career in the Department of Chemistry at Rutgers-Newark in 2019.

Email: demyan.prokopchuk[at]rutgers[dot]edu

Curriculum Vitae, updated April 2023 (pdf)

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